UsedLikeNew : Excellent condition
Beautifully pierced French Sterling Silver Fish set with figural Renaissance design - 26 piece Cutlery Set plus Fish Serving Platter (dated 1925). This set includes:
11 Individual Fish Knives, hollow handle, with pierced sterling blades, 8" 12 Individual Fish Forks, hollow handle, with pierced sterling tines, 7" 1 Fish Slice, all-sterling, with pierced blade, 10" 1 Fish Server, all-sterling, with pierced blade, 8 3/4"
1 Gravy Ladle, 8 1/8"
Plus: 1 Sterling Silver Fish Serving Platter/Tray with beautiful engraved design, beaded and shell motifs along the scalloped rim, 23 1/2" x 12" x 1" tall. Weight: 84.34 troy ounces
Includes a BONUS brand new storage chest.
pieces are stamped with a "JPC" hallmark, which we believe is attributed to JP Caron, later Oliver Caron. This set is in excellent vintage condition. The cutlery is not monogrammed. The Fish Platter has an inscription on the reverse (see photo) and is dated "Christmas 1925". This set will be beautifully hand polished prior to
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- AGE : 1900-1940
- BRAND : JP Caron - France
- TYPE : Flatware - Sets
Beautifully pierced French Sterling Silver Fish set with figural Renaissance design - 26 piece Cutlery Set plus Fish Serving Platter (dated 1925). This set includes:
Plus: 1 Sterling Silver Fish Serving Platter/Tray with beautiful engraved design, beaded and shell motifs along the scalloped rim, 23 1/2" x 12" x 1" tall. Weight: 84.34 troy ounces
Includes a BONUS brand new storage chest.
pieces are stamped with a "JPC" hallmark, which we believe is attributed to JP Caron, later Oliver Caron. This set is in excellent vintage condition. The cutlery is not monogrammed. The Fish Platter has an inscription on the reverse (see photo) and is dated "Christmas 1925". This set will be beautifully hand polished prior to
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